Publisher's Notebook

What gets our goat…

As a nonfiction press with a progressive bent, we’re always looking for books with social and political undercurrents. But not every progressive-leaning book makes it through the door. In fact, most don’t.

Why is that?

Well, the simplest answer is that we are a very (very, very, very) small press and take on so few titles that every book has to be just right. It’s a tall order and super-subjective. Which it to say that no author should take it personally when they receive a rejection from us. That said, if you want to know how a book gets onto our shortlist, it comes down to three main characteristics:

1) The book is really (really, really, really) well-written.

2) The author has a unique story.

3) The theme is on a subject that really gets our goat.

That’s right. Our goat.

Now, is goat-getting a bit abstract, given that these are submissions guidelines we’re talking about? Might authors and agents have a hard time predicting what specific issues stir up our internal livestock at any given moment?

Yes, probably.

So here’s me, letting our proverbial goat out to pasture… and taking this metaphor several steps too far in the process.

In no particular order, subjects that are of major interest to us right now are:

  • Climate change, climate politics, climate justice

  • Experiences, issues and activism in marginalized ethnic communities, minority groups, people of color, immigrants and refugees

  • LGBTQ rights and activism, specifically around trans issues, gender fluidity and gender identity.

  • Media literacy (specifically as it relates to social media)

  • New science and treatment around addiction, depression, anxiety, ADHD and PTSD

  • Police reform/ prison reform

  • Progressive parenting

  • Women’s issues, including reproductive justice, institutionalized sexism, and violence against women

That said, this is in no way an extensive list. We also are huge fans of memoirs about people finding and living their truth, especially when that truth runs counter to the norm. Plus maybe you’ve got something goat-get-able that we haven’t even considered! Go ahead. Rile us up. We look forward to it.

Thanks, and happy querying!