New Release

A new book trailer for ‘Hidden’

We’re excited to share our first-ever book trailer in anticipation of the April release of Hidden: Life With California’s Roma Families.

Considering that this is our only photography book to date, creating the trailer seemed like the perfect way to showcase Hidden’s individuality; it’s also a great opportunity for us to share some of our favorite photos from the book! 

In Hidden, Long Beach photojournalist Christina Salvador Klenz offers an intimate look at the vibrant Romani culture in California. The members of the Roma community, commonly referred to as “Gypsies” (increasingly considered a derogatory term), belong to one of the most persecuted groups in history. They are still kept in the shadows of society today.

As efforts to empower the Roma people are taking place around the world, the timing for Hidden’s release on April 5, just before International Romani Day, couldn’t be better. There also couldn’t be a better way to tell the story than through Klenz’s masterful black-and-white photographs.  

Looking at the pictures, it’s impossible not to feel drawn in by the depth of emotion Klenz has captured. Whether depicting joy, tranquility or overwhelm, Hidden showcases the unique and difficult reality experienced by the Roma in America. These intense emotions also help create a sense of connection with the viewer.   

As Into the Free author Julie Cantrell says, “Klenz’s lens shields us from nothing, stripping away the secrecy to expose the beauty and wonder that has been concealed for too long.”  

While this trailer only provides a glimpse, Hidden contains about 120 photographs altogether, providing a rare look into the lives of this hidden-in-plain-sight community, while also providing the social and historical context necessary to properly appreciate them. We hope you enjoy the trailer, and that it helps pique your interest — and excitement — for Hidden’s release.